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Flexible Study

Flexible Study Schedules

Benjamin Franklin once said ‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’ and this is as true today as it was back then. But how can we achieve this when we all lead such busy lives?

At the World Gem Foundation, we appreciate that we all have responsibilities and commitments that can make studying a challenge.

To meet this challenge, we offer a flexible study schedule that allows you to register at any time and study at your own pace. Enrol in one of our three diploma programs, take the theory and practical diploma courses separately and receive course credits or take our general interest courses. The choice is yours! Our goal is to help you devise a study schedule that works for you!

Whether you are taking our online tests, writing our final theoretical examinations or taking a practical test, we provide you with the flexibility to make it possible. Our students are our major stakeholders and we believe it is our responsibility to offer them every opportunity to achieve their educational goals.

This is one more reason to choose the World Gem Foundation, because to us, you should be in control of your destiny!